Contact: Taujuana Davis, Senior Program Coordinator, (202) 232-2733,
For timely updates about registrations, fees, agreements, and product notices, manufacturers are encouraged to sign up for PaintCare’s email updates here.
Current Updates:
Paint manufacturers that sell paint directly or indirectly in a PaintCare state are required by each state’s paint stewardship law to register the company and brands with PaintCare.
- Fact Sheet: Manufacturer Registration. Informs manufacturers of their responsibilities under the paint stewardship program.
To register online visit www.paintcarereporting.org. You will be asked to provide contact information, submit a list of brands, and indicate the state(s) program for which you would like to register. After PaintCare reviews the brands list to confirm that they are covered by the PaintCare program and require registration, we will create a user profile and send a confirmation email. We will add your company name and brands to the official registration lists for each state. Companies can easily add additional states as needed in the future by checking a box. The same brands list is used in all states.
PaintCare Fee
PaintCare is funded by a fee (referred to as the PaintCare fee) which is applied to the purchase price of new paint sold in each state that has passed a paint stewardship law. The fee is paid to PaintCare by paint manufacturers and is then added to the wholesale and retail purchase price of paint, passing the cost of managing leftover paint to everyone who buys and uses it.
Learn more about the PaintCare fee, find the fee structures by state, and get updates on changes to the fee structures at www.paintcare.org/fee.
State pricing laws may require retailers to include the PaintCare Fee in a product’s “sticker price” displayed to consumers. Noncompliance with state pricing laws could lead to fines. Learn more at paintcare.org/pricinglaws.
Remitter Agreements
Remitter Agreements allow paint manufacturers to move the reporting and fee remittance responsibility to their dealers. PaintCare will accept the PaintCare fee and reporting information from distributors or retailers selling paint in the individual states on behalf of their manufacturer supplier(s). This arrangement is established by the parties entering into an agreement.
Remitter Agreements are used between manufacturers and their distributors as well as between manufacturers and retailers and between distributors and retailers. Agreements can be used for all or part of a manufacturer’s sales. While Remitter Agreements benefit manufacturers by passing the reporting and remittance task to their dealer, there is also an economic benefit to the dealer because payment (remittance) of the fee occurs after the sale, rather than before.
Remitter agreements can be made between companies that have set up accounts to use PaintCare’s reporting system at www.paintcarereporting.org.
If you do not have an account but would like to review the language of the remitter agreement, please contact Taujuana Davis at or click here.
PaintCare Products and Product Notices
PaintCare products are the types of products that have a PaintCare fee and are accepted at PaintCare drop-off sites. When clarification is needed about which products are subject to the PaintCare fee and which products are not, PaintCare publishes additional notices.
PaintCare Products Defined
This document defines and gives examples of PaintCare products and non-PaintCare products to help manufacturers determine whether their products are covered by the paint stewardship program and whether the PaintCare fee should be applied.
Product Notice 1. Drywall Primer Surfacers
These products are used by drywall installers as the last coat to replace the so called “5th coat” and achieve a “Level 5 finish” This notice explains that these primers are part of the PaintCare program.
Product Notice 2. Exterior Insulation Finish Systems
This notice explains that Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems (EIFS) are excluded from the PaintCare program. These systems are comprised of several components, including stucco-like products.
Product Notice 3. Masonry and Concrete Sealers labeled “For Professional Use Only”
This notice explains that masonry and concrete sealers may be excluded from the PaintCare program and classified as an industrial coating if the label is worded with very specific phrases.
Product Notice 4. Pool, Floor, Roof Coatings for “Professional Use”
This notice is similar to #3 and excludes swimming pool paints, roof coatings and floor finishes used by professionals if the label is worded with very specific phrases.
Product Notice 5. OEM and Shop Application
This notice clarifies that products used in a factory or shop setting may be excluded, but products used in the field may not be excluded from the PaintCare program. These exclusions, based on usage, require record-keeping and documentation subject to audit.
Product Notice 6. Out of State Sales
This notice clarifies that a fee does not apply to products delivered to a non-PaintCare state or being shipped to another country.
Product Notice 7. Furniture Polishes, Waxes and Oils This notice clarifies that products that are marketed for use solely on furniture such as furniture polishes, waxes, and oils, such as linseed, tung, and lemon oil, are excluded from the PaintCare program.