Official Documents

Summary of 2023 New York Annual Report

This one-page infographic highlights the successes from the most recent reporting period for the New York PaintCare program (January to December 2023). Please consider downloading and printing a copy of the infographic and then posting it for staff and the public at your business or organization.

Annual Reports

Fiscal Year

Calendar Year

Program Plan

PaintCare’s program plan for New York was conditionally approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation on January 6, 2022. This plan describes the operations, outreach, and other activities of the New York paint stewardship program:


Laws relevant to the PaintCare program in New York can be found at

  • New York Consolidated Laws
  • ENV – Environmental Conservation
  • Article 27. Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Refuse and Other Solid Waste
  • Title 20. Postconsumer Paint Collection Program, Sections 27-2001 – 27-2007

State Agency

The oversight agency for the New York paint stewardship program is the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.